Who We Are

We are the Puget Sound Anglers.  We are dedicated to preserving quality fisheries.  Puget Sound Anglers is enthusiastically pro-hatchery.  We believe that our salmon resources can be restored with sound biological management.  We believe in the comradeship and wishes of fellow sport fishing anglers.  We believe our grandchildren can have a higher quality fishery than any of us ever had.


In 1985 a small group of sport fishing anglers became unhappy with the organizations to which they belonged.  Although they enjoyed the friendship and knowledge of persons with the same fishing interests, they were fed up with the state and national leadership using the members as rungs on their own political ladders.  They were tired of their dues going to pay for salaries on the national level and for enhancements thousands of mile away.  They were tired of being refused the right to give input on legislative issues that involved their fisheries.  It was time for a change and thus spawned Puget Sound Anglers.


The Puget Sound Anglers is an organization of independent chapters, with common goals and interests, bound only by integrity and fellowship, with the goal of preserving, protecting and enhancing the sport fisheries of Washington State.

The general outline of the organization is for each chapter to remain an independent nature.  The State Board was formed with members from each of the chapters and is responsible to those chapters.  The State Board is to assist in forming new chapters and promote membership.  In addition, it is to help communications among the chapters regarding fund raising and projects of interest to all.


There are currently 15 Puget Sound Chapters throughout western Washington.  We are the fastest growing sport fishing organization in the state.   Members have been involved in stream enhancements, raising salmon, educational forums, state legislation, fishing for children and even assisting developmentally disabled persons catch their first fish.  We are now being quoted in newspapers, and interviewed by radio and television reporters.  Media response to Puget Sound Anglers has been overwhelming, and the organization is rapidly becoming known as the “Voice of Washington’s Sport Anglers”.


In addition to the previously mentioned projects, all members have a chance to learn more about fishing, go on organized outings, take part in projects and build life-long friendships.

Each chapter has a monthly general meeting at which fish stories are discussed, guest speakers are provided and there are even raffles to give you a chance to add to your tackle box.  The membership outing may have you fishing in your back door, south of the Mexican border or north towards Alaska.  All paid members will receive a monthly copy of The Reel News.  This newspaper is the communication vehicle for all serious sport anglers in the state.  It provides you with the chapter information, educational fishing information, new products, recipes and information that is vital to your sport.


We invite non-members and guests to attend our general meetings.  We highly encourage all family members to join us at any of our meetings, outings and other happenings.  We even welcome members of those “other clubs” to attend one of our meetings and maybe, just maybe, they will want to add their names and support to the independent organization of The Puget Sound Anglers.


70.50 lbs – Chet Gausta – Sekiu – September 6, 1964

Chet Gausta shows off his big fish in front of Ralph’s Shop-Rite in Poulsbo, as a young boy looks on in wonder. Poulsbo Historical Society has tried without success to identify the boy.
*Photo courtesy of Poulsbo Historical Society/Nesby